Yes! I know my vast audience has been eagerly awaiting my next post and months have past!!!
I have no excuse other than life just happened as it always does!
So . . . Better late than never . . .
Yesterday, here in the USA was Groundhog Day. We pin amazing, weather forecasting capabilities on to a rodent! The most famous groundhog is Phil and he "predicted" six more weeks of winter. Apparently, badgers and sometimes hedgehogs were used in Germany and England by farmers to see how long winter would last. If you look at Phil's statistics - they are not great! He gets it right just under 50% of the time!!! I'm thinking that just maybe… Phil is seeing his shadow from all the cameras aimed at him and he is more afraid of that than his shadow. . . just saying!
Anyway, it does look like we are in for more cold weather though. Texas (Houston area in particular) is experiencing weird weather. It seems to be colder and wetter than usual. The temperature also is fluctuating wildly! It was actually muggy & warm the other morning and then yesterday, with the wind chill, it felt like my face was going to freeze solid on my walk!!!! Strange weather!
I learned something yesterday while researching Groundhog Day. I'm not Catholic so forgive me if you already know this. February 2nd is known as Candlemas. It is a Christian celebration of three events: the presentation of Jesus in the temple, first time Jesus is in the temple and Mary's purification. For those who call December 25th, Jesus' birthday, then February 2nd is forty days from his birth.
In John 8:12, Jesus says,"I am the Light of the world"(NIV)
For Candlemas, Beeswax candles are blessed and a candlelit procession leads into Mass. These blessed candles are used in the church and sometimes in homes throughout the year.
Candelaria is what Spanish speaking countries call Candlemas. Remember the King Cakes that came out on Epiphany? If the baby was in your piece, then you are responsible for bringing the food the the Feast of Candlemas. I'd always thought it was Mardi Gras.
Another sign associated with Groundhog Day and Candlemas are the flowers called Snowdrops. Sometimes, these flowers are called Candlemas bells. In the northern hemisphere, these are some of the first flowers to bloom even through snow. They are thought to purify the home when brought inside on Candlemas.
I found all this information on the internet. I believe that I went to reputable sites. I didn't go deep to verify the information. I found it interesting so that is why I'm sharing.
Have a fantastic day!