My naive, goody-goody, teenage self assumed some BAD kid wrote that on the board and was about to get sent to the office. My classmates took their seats and Mr.Teacher came in and started class. As the class progressed, Mr. Teacher looked at the board several times. There were lots of whispers and giggling, but Mr. Teacher never acknowledge what was written on the board. Finally, toward the end of class, Johnny couldn't take it anymore.
Hey, Mr. Teacher, Did you know there is a four-letter word on the board? (Johnny knew better than to say it, out loud, in class!)
No Johnny, there is NOT a four-letter word on the board.
Right there behind you! (Johnny was a little defiant)
What's on the board is an acronym. Can anyone tell me what an acronym is?
Now, the silence could have been for fear of getting it wrong, but most likely none of us knew what an acronym was. (We were teenagers of the 80's - way before cell phones and texting)
An acronym is taking the first letters of a series of words or a phrase and shortening into a word that stands for the phrase like NASA or RADAR. The acronym can be pronounced as a word like RADAR or be made into a noun like the P.I.E. - Pan Island Expressway.
We were enlightened!
So why is S.H.I.T. on the board?
It stands for So Happy It's Thursday!
Mr. Teacher went on to explain that every Thursday something very special happened in his life. I can't remember what specifically it was, but I remember him explaining how it started out as something horrible to endure and after time became a real treasure and something he looked forward to every Thursday. Basically, it turned from shit into S.H.I.T.
Mr. Teacher encouraged us to actively look for the good mixed in the "BAD" stuff of life. He explained that some days it is easy to find, but some days you will have to actually dig through some crappy stuff before you find the diamond.
I have never forgotten that acronym on the chalkboard. I'm not sure if Mr. Teacher was a Christian or not, but I call those God Whisper moments. I feel God more often speaks in whispers and you have to actively be listening to hear Him speak or you have to actually be looking with eyes wide open to see what is right before you.
This page is for when God whispers . . .
It doesn't always happen on Thursdays!
iPhones are great for capturing some God Whisper moments - like this one from the Botanic Gardens in Singapore
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