So please forgive me as I learn the ins and outs of blogging. I was so excited about my first post yesterday! I told my dad and my BFF. I was so disappointed when I didn't receive ANY comments. I shared my disappointment with my son.
His response was, "Mooommmm (Whiny inflection was used)- They can't comment because you didn't allow them to in the "such & such" section of the blah, blah, blah in SETUP."
Rolling of the eyes, duh?
Well … I meant to…
If I had actually KNOWN there was a "such & such" section of the blah, blah, blah in SETUP I would have done it!
You know how your parents have sayings that stick with you from childhood ?
For instance, my dad's are:
"Life's not fair"
"It builds character"
My children, I think, will remember their dad saying. "Go figure it out!"
After 43 years of life, I've learned a thing or two about myself... Maybe …
I actually learn best when I am shown rather than figuring it out.
YES - this sometimes involves physically holding my hand and walking me through the steps!
Oh - I think I just heard my dad say, "It builds character to figure it out"
Okay - Now, I'm rolling my eyes . . .(We need to work on this habit in our family)
Fortunately for me - I am the mother of a technically savvy kid who came out of the womb knowing how to work any technical gadget and if, by some remote chance, he doesn't know how it works …
He can "Go figure it out!"
So - The Technically Savvy Son is going to hold my hand and walk me through this blog since I'm his mom. Rolling of the Eyes . . .
"Life is SO NOT fair"
I'm not a fan of Facebook or Twitter or other social media.
I'm not really sure why…
It just rubs me the wrong way. . .
I think, it is just the process of data entry is so time consuming.
I have a friend in Singapore with a teaching background. She conducted several seminars and as an "ice breaker", she said they would often ask you to name your favourite "office supply". Her favourite is "post-it notes". Mine has to be the Yellow Legal size pad!
I am a list maker!
I make lists for everything! It is how I organise my life!
I don't know if it is the girl in me or what, but I prefer cursive. I like to doodle. I make different fonts in my own handwriting. I use different colours. I love arrows.
It isn't the same on the computer. AND YES - I have used the tools on the computer - I'm not THAT technically ignorant.
I have shared with the "Technically Savvy Son" that if he would like to make the BIG MONEY like Bill Gates and others …
He needs to come up with a computer that is just like the YELLOW LEGAL PAD - the YLP. Ha Ha!
Same size
Same weight
Copies exactly what I've written, the way I have written it - doodles, fonts, colours, etc.
Distributes, files, and sorts with one click of a button!
Doesn't that sound great?!
Well . . . Until the Technically Savvy Son creates the YLP - this blog site will have to wait until I "figure it out" to work out the quirks.
Have a great day!
P.S. - On proofreading this post, I realise my computer is spell checking to British spelling of English. I'm sure this is an easy fix . . . one click away in the blah, blah, blah part of SETUP!
Rolling the eyes . . .
Don't have time to "Figure it out"…
Will wait for Tech Savvy Son to come home from school and hold my hand!
I'm the aforementioned dad, and I assure you that I need TechSavvyGrandson much more than Mom. I've tried three times to post a comment and failed all three. Mumble, mumble, life, character, fair, mumble.
ReplyDeleteKudos to Pamela. She's already surpassed me in the quantity and quality of her blogs. Way to go, daughter!