Tuesday, April 15, 2014


What has happened to our weather???

Yesterday morning, bright and early, under the pretense of walking the Chewbacca, I accompanied TechSavvySon to the bus stop.  It was a balmy 75 degrees F!  I even commented to TechSavvySon that it felt just like Singapore with the humidity!  He was wearing shorts and a short sleeve shirt.

An hour later . . . I take WittyGirl to the orthodontist  . . . still warm . . . not quite as humid, getting windy.  I'm wearing a lovely sundress that I recently bought off of Modcloth (Great site - check it out).  Her appointment concludes about an hour later . . . We walk out and it is 10 degrees cooler and VERY windy.  The cute sundress is no longer appropriate!!!  By the time I make it home it is 54 degrees F!  


I had plans to go to the nursery and get some warm weather plants.

I had to reach up to the top of the closet for the sweatpants I had already put away for the season!

It is mid-April in HOUSTON!

I googled it.  The average low for April is the mid-60's.

The low last night ended up being 40F!

20 degrees below the average!!!!!

Now - I'll be honest . . . I am NOT hoping for the hot weather to be here yet!  However, I am ready to wear Spring clothes and enjoy planting a garden without sweating too much and with the assurance that my plants aren't going to freeze!!!! (see post on March 28th).

You can see my hickory tree knows it is Spring - It is leafing out nicely!

I've been working on adding pages to my blog so posts might be fewer this week.

Keep your plants warm!
Have a fantastic day!


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